Source code for splines.quaternion

"""Quaternions and unit-quaternion splines."""
import math as _math

import numpy as _np
from . import _check_param

[docs]class Quaternion: """A very simple quaternion class. This is the base class for the more relevant `UnitQuaternion` class. See the `notebook about quaternions`__. __ ../rotation/quaternions.ipynb """ __slots__ = '_scalar', '_vector' def __new__(cls, scalar, vector): obj = super().__new__(cls) obj._scalar = scalar x, y, z = vector obj._vector = x, y, z return obj @property def scalar(self): """The scalar part (a.k.a. real part) of the quaternion.""" return self._scalar @property def vector(self): """The vector part (a.k.a. imaginary part) of the quaternion.""" return self._vector def __repr__(self): name = type(self).__name__ return f'{name}(scalar={self.scalar}, vector={self.vector})' def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Quaternion): return NotImplemented return self.xyzw == other.xyzw def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Quaternion): return NotImplemented s_x, s_y, s_z = self.vector o_x, o_y, o_z = other.vector return Quaternion( scalar=self.scalar + other.scalar, vector=(s_x + o_x, s_y + o_y, s_z + o_z)) def __sub__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Quaternion): return NotImplemented s_x, s_y, s_z = self.vector o_x, o_y, o_z = other.vector return Quaternion( scalar=self.scalar - other.scalar, vector=(s_x - o_x, s_y - o_y, s_z - o_z)) def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(self, UnitQuaternion) and \ isinstance(other, UnitQuaternion): result_type = UnitQuaternion elif isinstance(other, Quaternion): result_type = Quaternion else: x, y, z = self.vector return Quaternion( scalar=self.scalar * other, vector=(x * other, y * other, z * other)) a1 = self.scalar b1, c1, d1 = self.vector a2 = other.scalar b2, c2, d2 = other.vector return Quaternion.__new__( result_type, a1*a2 - b1*b2 - c1*c2 - d1*d2, ( a1*b2 + b1*a2 + c1*d2 - d1*c2, a1*c2 - b1*d2 + c1*a2 + d1*b2, a1*d2 + b1*c2 - c1*b2 + d1*a2, ) ) def __rmul__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, Quaternion): return self.__mul__(other) assert False def __neg__(self): x, y, z = self.vector return Quaternion.__new__(type(self), -self.scalar, (-x, -y, -z))
[docs] def conjugate(self): """Return quaternion with same `scalar` part, negated `vector` part.""" x, y, z = self.vector return Quaternion.__new__(type(self), self.scalar, (-x, -y, -z))
[docs] def normalized(self): """Return quaternion with same 4D direction but unit `norm`.""" norm = self.norm x, y, z, w = self.xyzw return UnitQuaternion.from_unit_xyzw( (x / norm, y / norm, z / norm, w / norm))
[docs] def dot(self, other): """Dot product of two quaternions. This is the 4-dimensional dot product, yielding a scalar result. This operation is commutative. Note that this is different from the quaternion multiplication (``q1 * q2``), which produces another quaternion (and is noncommutative). """ # NB: is available since Python 3.8 prod = _np.multiply.reduce return sum(map(prod, zip(self.xyzw, other.xyzw)))
@property def norm(self): """Length of the quaternion in 4D space.""" x, y, z, w = self.xyzw return _math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2 + w**2) @property def xyzw(self): """Components of the quaternion, `scalar` last.""" x, y, z = self.vector return x, y, z, self.scalar @property def wxyz(self): """Components of the quaternion, `scalar` first.""" x, y, z = self.vector return self.scalar, x, y, z
[docs]class UnitQuaternion(Quaternion): """Unit quaternion. See the `section about unit quaternions`__. __ ../rotation/quaternions.ipynb#Unit-Quaternions """ __slots__ = () def __new__(cls): return super().__new__(cls, 1.0, (0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
[docs] @classmethod def from_axis_angle(cls, axis, angle): """Create a unit quaternion from a rotation `axis` and `angle`. :param axis: Three-component rotation axis. This will be normalized. :param angle: Rotation angle in radians. """ x, y, z = axis norm = _math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) s = angle / (2 * norm) return cls.exp_map((s * x, s * y, s * z))
[docs] @classmethod def from_unit_xyzw(cls, xyzw): """Create a unit quaternion from another unit quaternion. :param xyzw: Components of a unit quaternion (`scalar` last). This will *not* be normalized, it must already have unit length. """ x, y, z, w = xyzw return super().__new__(cls, w, (x, y, z))
def __pow__(self, alpha): if not _np.isscalar(alpha): return _np.array([self.__pow__(a) for a in alpha]) if self.scalar >= 1: return super().__new__(UnitQuaternion, self.scalar, self.vector) return UnitQuaternion.exp_map(alpha * self.log_map()) inverse = Quaternion.conjugate """Multiplicative inverse. For unit quaternions, this is the same as `conjugate()`. """
[docs] @classmethod def exp_map(cls, value): """Exponential map from :math:`R^3` to unit quaternions. This is the inverse operation to `log_map()`. :param value: Element of the tangent space at the quaternion identity. :type value: 3-tuple """ x, y, z = value norm = _math.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) if norm == 0: zero, one = norm, norm + 1 # to get appropriate numeric types return super().__new__(cls, one, (zero, zero, zero)) s = _math.sin(norm) / norm return super().__new__(cls, _math.cos(norm), (s * x, s * y, s * z))
[docs] def log_map(self): """Logarithmic map from unit quaternions to :math:`R^3`. :returns: Corresponding vector in the tangent space at the quaternion identity. """ if self.scalar >= 1: return _np.zeros_like(self.vector) length = self.angle / 2 return self.axis * length
@property def axis(self): """The (normalized) rotation axis.""" assert self.scalar <= 1 # NB: This is the same as sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) norm = _math.sqrt(1 - self.scalar**2) # Avoid warning for (1, (0, 0, 0)) -> (NaN, NaN, NaN): with _np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): return _np.true_divide(self.vector, norm) @property def angle(self): """The rotation angle in radians.""" return 2 * _math.acos(self.scalar)
[docs] def rotation_to(self, other): """Rotation required to rotate *self* into *other*. See :ref:`/rotation/quaternions.ipynb#Relative-Rotation-(Global-Frame-of-Reference)`. :param other: Target rotation. :type other: UnitQuaternion :returns: Relative rotation (as `UnitQuaternion`). """ return other * self.inverse()
[docs] def rotate_vector(self, v): """Apply rotation to a 3D vector. :param v: A vector in :math:`R^3`. :type v: 3-tuple :returns: The rotated vector. """ rotated = self * Quaternion(0, v) * self.inverse() return rotated.vector
[docs]def slerp(one, two, t): """Spherical Linear intERPolation. See :ref:`/rotation/slerp.ipynb`. :param one: Start quaternion. :param two: End quaternion. :param t: Parameter value(s) between 0 and 1. """ return (two * one.inverse())**t * one
[docs]def canonicalized(quaternions): """Iterator adapter to ensure minimal angles between *quaternions*.""" p = UnitQuaternion.from_unit_xyzw((0, 0, 0, 1)) for q in quaternions: if < 0: q = -q yield q p = q
[docs]class PiecewiseSlerp: """Piecewise Slerp, see __init__().""" def __init__(self, quaternions, *, grid=None, closed=False): """Piecewise Slerp. See :ref:`/rotation/slerp.ipynb#Piecewise-Slerp`. :param quaternions: Sequence of rotations to be interpolated. The quaternions will be `canonicalized()`. :param grid: Sequence of parameter values. Must be strictly increasing. Must have the same length as *quaternions*, except when *closed* is ``True``, where it must be one element longer. If not specified, a uniform grid is used (0, 1, 2, 3, ...). :type grid: optional :param closed: If ``True``, the first quaternion is repeated at the end. :type closed: optional """ quaternions = _check_quaternions(quaternions, closed=closed) if grid is None: grid = range(len(quaternions)) if len(quaternions) != len(grid): raise ValueError( 'Number of grid values must be same as ' 'quaternions (one more for closed curves)') self.quaternions = quaternions self.grid = list(grid)
[docs] def evaluate(self, t, n=0): if n != 0: raise NotImplementedError('Derivatives are not implemented yet') if not _np.isscalar(t): return _np.array([self.evaluate(t) for t in t]) idx = _check_param('t', t, self.grid) t0, t1 = self.grid[idx:idx + 2] return slerp( self.quaternions[idx], self.quaternions[idx + 1], (t - t0) / (t1 - t0))
[docs]class DeCasteljau: """Spline using De Casteljau's algorithm, see __init__().""" def __init__(self, segments, grid=None): """Spline using De Casteljau's algorithm with `slerp()`. See `the corresponding notebook`__ for details. __ ../rotation/de-casteljau.ipynb :param segments: Sequence of segments, each one consisting of multiple control quaternions. Different segments can have different numbers of control points. :param grid: Sequence of parameter values corresponding to segment boundaries. Must be strictly increasing. If not specified, a uniform grid is used (0, 1, 2, 3, ...). :type grid: optional """ if len(segments) < 1: raise ValueError('There must be at least one segment') if grid is None: # uniform parameterization grid = range(len(segments) + 1) else: if len(segments) + 1 != len(grid): raise ValueError( 'Number of grid values must be one more ' 'than number of segments') self.segments = segments self.grid = list(grid)
[docs] def evaluate(self, t, n=0): """Get value or angular velocity at given parameter value(s). :param t: Parameter value(s). :param n: Use ``0`` for calculating the value (a quaternion), ``1`` for the angular velocity (a 3-element vector). :type n: {0, 1}, optional """ if not _np.isscalar(t): return _np.array([self.evaluate(t, n) for t in t]) segment, t, delta_t = self._select_segment_and_normalize_t(t) if n == 0: return slerp(*_reduce_de_casteljau(segment, t), t) elif n == 1: one, two = _reduce_de_casteljau(segment, t) tangent = (two * one.inverse()).log_map() degree = len(segment) - 1 # NB: twice the angle return tangent * 2 * degree / delta_t else: raise ValueError('Unsupported n: {!r}'.format(n))
def _select_segment_and_normalize_t(self, t): idx = _check_param('t', t, self.grid) t0, t1 = self.grid[idx:idx + 2] delta_t = t1 - t0 t = (t - t0) / delta_t return self.segments[idx], t, delta_t
def _reduce_de_casteljau(segment, t): """Obtain two quaternions for the last step of De Casteljau's algorithm. Repeatedly applies `slerp()` to neighboring control quaternions until only two are left. """ if len(segment) < 2: raise ValueError('Segment must have at least two quaternions') while len(segment) > 2: segment = [ slerp(one, two, t) for one, two in zip(segment, segment[1:])] return segment
[docs]class KochanekBartels(DeCasteljau): """Kochanek--Bartels-like rotation spline, see __init__().""" @staticmethod def _calculate_control_quaternions(quaternions, times, tcb): q_1, q0, q1 = quaternions t_1, t0, t1 = times T, C, B = tcb a = (1 - T) * (1 + C) * (1 + B) b = (1 - T) * (1 - C) * (1 - B) c = (1 - T) * (1 - C) * (1 + B) d = (1 - T) * (1 + C) * (1 - B) q_in = q0 * q_1.inverse() q_out = q1 * q0.inverse() rho_in = q_in.log_map() / (t0 - t_1) rho_out = q_out.log_map() / (t1 - t0) def omega(weight_in, weight_out): return ( weight_in * (t1 - t0) * rho_in + weight_out * (t0 - t_1) * rho_out ) / (t1 - t_1) return [ UnitQuaternion.exp_map(-omega(c, d) * (t0 - t_1) / 3) * q0, UnitQuaternion.exp_map(omega(a, b) * (t1 - t0) / 3) * q0, ] def __init__(self, quaternions, grid=None, *, tcb=(0, 0, 0), alpha=None, endconditions='natural'): """Kochanek--Bartels-like rotation spline. See `the corresponding notebook`__ for details. __ ../rotation/kochanek-bartels.ipynb :param quaternions: Sequence of rotations to be interpolated. The quaternions will be `canonicalized()`. :param grid: Sequence of parameter values. Must be strictly increasing. If not specified, a uniform grid is used (0, 1, 2, 3, ...). :type grid: optional :param tcb: Sequence of *tension*, *continuity* and *bias* triples. TCB values can only be given for the interior quaternions. If only two quaternions are given, TCB values are ignored. :type tcb: optional :param alpha: TODO :type alpha: optional :param endconditions: Start/end conditions. Can be ``'closed'``, ``'natural'`` or pair of tangent vectors (a.k.a. "clamped"). TODO: clamped If ``'closed'``, the first rotation is re-used as last rotation and an additional *grid* time has to be specified. :type endconditions: optional """ closed = endconditions == 'closed' if closed: tcb_slots = len(quaternions) else: tcb_slots = len(quaternions) - 2 quaternions = _check_quaternions(quaternions, closed=closed) grid = _check_grid(grid, alpha, quaternions) tcb = _np.asarray(tcb) if tcb.ndim == 1 and len(tcb) == 3: tcb = _np.tile(tcb, (tcb_slots, 1)) elif len(tcb) != tcb_slots: raise ValueError( 'There must be two more quaternions than TCB values ' '(except for closed curves)') if closed: tcb = _np.row_stack([tcb, tcb[0]]) start, end, zip_quaternions, zip_grid = _check_endconditions( endconditions, quaternions, grid) control_points = [] for qs, ts, tcb in zip(zip_quaternions, zip_grid, tcb): q_before, q_after = self._calculate_control_quaternions( qs, ts, tcb) control_points.extend([q_before, qs[1], qs[1], q_after]) if closed: assert len(grid) * 4 == len(control_points) control_points = control_points[2:-2] elif not control_points: # two quaternions -> spherical linear interpolation assert len(quaternions) == 2 assert len(grid) == 2 assert not closed assert not tcb q0, q1 = quaternions offset = (q1 * q0.inverse())**(1 / 3) # "cubic" spline, degree 3 control_points = [q0, offset * q0, offset.inverse() * q1, q1] else: control_points.insert(0, _end_control_quaternion( start, [quaternions[0], control_points[0], control_points[1]])) control_points.insert(0, quaternions[0]) control_points.append(_end_control_quaternion( end, [quaternions[-1], control_points[-1], control_points[-2]])) control_points.append(quaternions[-1]) segments = list(zip(*[iter(control_points)] * 4)) DeCasteljau.__init__(self, segments, grid)
[docs]class CatmullRom(KochanekBartels): """Catmull--Rom-like rotation spline, see __init__().""" def __init__(self, quaternions, grid=None, *, alpha=None, endconditions='natural'): """Catmull--Rom-like rotation spline. This is just `KochanekBartels` without TCB values. See :ref:`/rotation/catmull-rom-uniform.ipynb` and :ref:`/rotation/catmull-rom-non-uniform.ipynb`. """ super().__init__( quaternions, grid, tcb=(0, 0, 0), alpha=alpha, endconditions=endconditions)
def _check_quaternions(quaternions, *, closed): """Canonicalize and if closed, append first rotation at the end.""" quaternions = list(quaternions) if len(quaternions) < 2: raise ValueError('At least two quaternions are required') if closed: quaternions = quaternions + quaternions[:1] return list(canonicalized(quaternions)) def _check_grid(grid, alpha, quaternions): if grid is None: if alpha is None: # NB: This is the same as alpha=0, except the type is int return range(len(quaternions)) grid = [0] for a, b in zip(quaternions, quaternions[1:]): delta = (2 * _math.acos(**alpha if delta == 0: raise ValueError( 'Repeated quaternions are not possible with alpha != 0') grid.append(grid[-1] + delta) else: if alpha is not None: raise TypeError('Only one of {grid, alpha} is allowed') if len(quaternions) != len(grid): raise ValueError('Number of grid values must be same as ' 'quaternions (one more for closed curves)') # TODO: check if grid values are increasing? return grid def _check_endconditions(endconditions, quaternions, grid): if endconditions == 'closed': # NB: the first quaternion has already been appended to the end in # _check_quaternions() prefix = quaternions[-2] if[0]) < 0: prefix = -prefix suffix = quaternions[1] if quaternions[-1].dot(suffix) < 0: suffix = -suffix quaternions = [prefix] + quaternions + [suffix] grid = [ grid[0] - (grid[-1] - grid[-2]), *grid, grid[-1] + (grid[1] - grid[0]), ] start = end = None elif isinstance(endconditions, str): start = end = endconditions else: try: start, end = endconditions except (TypeError, ValueError): raise TypeError('endconditions must be a string or a pair') assert len(quaternions) == len(grid) triples = [zip(arg, arg[1:], arg[2:]) for arg in (quaternions, grid)] return (start, end, *triples) def _end_control_quaternion(condition, quaternions): if condition == 'natural': first, _, third = quaternions return _natural_control_quaternion(first, third) elif _np.shape(condition) == _np.shape(quaternions[0]): #tangent = condition raise NotImplementedError('TODO') raise ValueError( f'{condition!r} is not a valid start/end condition') def _natural_control_quaternion(first, third): """Natural end condition for "cubic" Bézier curves. Returns the second control quaternion given the first and the third. This can also be used for the end of the spline, when counting the control quaternions from the end. See rotation/end-conditions-natural.ipynb. """ return first.rotation_to(third)**(1 / 2) * first
[docs]class BarryGoldman: """Rotation spline using Barry--Goldman algorithm, see __init__().""" def __init__(self, quaternions, grid=None, *, alpha=None): """Rotation spline using Barry--Goldman algorithm. Always closed (for now). """ # TODO: what happens when exactly 2 quaternions are given? self.quaternions = _check_quaternions(quaternions, closed=True) self.grid = list(_check_grid(grid, alpha, self.quaternions))
[docs] def evaluate(self, t): if not _np.isscalar(t): return _np.array([self.evaluate(t) for t in t]) idx = _check_param('t', t, self.grid) q0, q1 = self.quaternions[idx:idx + 2] t0, t1 = self.grid[idx:idx + 2] if idx == 0: q_1 = self.quaternions[-2] if < 0: q_1 = -q_1 t_1 = t0 - (self.grid[-1] - self.grid[-2]) else: q_1 = self.quaternions[idx - 1] t_1 = self.grid[idx - 1] if idx + 2 == len(self.quaternions): q2 = self.quaternions[1] if < 0: q2 = -q2 assert len(self.quaternions) == len(self.grid) t2 = t1 + (self.grid[1] - self.grid[0]) else: q2 = self.quaternions[idx + 2] t2 = self.grid[idx + 2] slerp_0_1 = slerp(q0, q1, (t - t0) / (t1 - t0)) return slerp( slerp( slerp(q_1, q0, (t - t_1) / (t0 - t_1)), slerp_0_1, (t - t_1) / (t1 - t_1)), slerp( slerp_0_1, slerp(q1, q2, (t - t1) / (t2 - t1)), (t - t0) / (t2 - t0)), (t - t0) / (t1 - t0))