Source code for splines

"""Piecewise polynomial curves (in Euclidean space).

.. rubric:: Submodules

.. autosummary::


from bisect import bisect_right as _bisect_right, bisect_left as _bisect_left
from itertools import accumulate as _accumulate
from math import factorial as _factorial

import numpy as _np

__version__ = '0.2.0'

[docs]class Monomial: """Piecewise polynomial curve, see __init__().""" def __init__(self, segments, grid): r"""Piecewise polynomial curve using monomial basis. See :ref:`/euclidean/polynomials.ipynb`. Coefficients can have arbitrary dimension. An arbitrary polynomial degree :math:`d` can be used by specifying :math:`d + 1` coefficients per segment. The :math:`i`-th segment is evaluated using this equation: .. math:: \boldsymbol{p}_i(t) = \sum_{k=0}^d \boldsymbol{a}_{i,k} \left(\frac{t - t_i}{t_{i+1} - t_i}\right)^k \text{ for } t_i \leq t < t_{i+1} This is similar to `scipy.interpolate.PPoly`, which states: "High-order polynomials in the power basis can be numerically unstable. Precision problems can start to appear for orders larger than 20-30." This shouldn't be a problem since most commonly splines of degree 3 (i.e. cubic splines) are used. :param segments: Sequence of polynomial segments. Each segment :math:`\boldsymbol{a}_i` contains coefficients for the monomial basis (in order of decreasing degree). Different segments can have different polynomial degree. :param grid: Sequence of parameter values :math:`t_i` corresponding to segment boundaries. Must be strictly increasing. """ self.segments = [_np.array(coefficients, copy=True) for coefficients in segments] if grid is None: grid = range(len(segments) + 1) self.grid = list(grid)
[docs] def evaluate(self, t, n=0): """Get value (or *n*-th derivative) at given parameter value(s) *t*.""" if not _np.isscalar(t): return _np.array([self.evaluate(time, n) for time in t]) idx = _check_param('t', t, self.grid) t0, t1 = self.grid[idx:idx + 2] t = (t - t0) / (t1 - t0) coefficients = self.segments[idx][:-n or None] powers = _np.arange(len(coefficients))[::-1] product = _np.multiply.reduce weights = product([powers + 1 + i for i in range(n)]) / (t1 - t0)**n return t**powers * weights @ coefficients
[docs]class Bernstein: """Piecewise Bézier curve, see __init__()."""
[docs] @staticmethod def basis(degree, t): r"""Bernstein basis polynomials of given *degree*, evaluated at *t*. Returns a list of values corresponding to :math:`i = 0, \ldots, n`, given the degree :math:`n`, using the formula .. math:: b_{i,n}(t) = {n \choose i} t^i \left( 1 - t \right)^{n - i}, with the *binomial coefficient* :math:`{n \choose i} = \frac{n!}{i!(n - i)!}`. """ return [ _comb(degree, i) * t**i * (1 - t)**(degree - i) for i in range(degree + 1)]
def __init__(self, segments, grid=None): """Piecewise Bézier curve using Bernstein basis. See :ref:`/euclidean/bezier.ipynb`. :param segments: Sequence of segments, each one consisting of multiple Bézier control points. Different segments can have different numbers of control points (and therefore different polynomial degrees). :param grid: Sequence of parameter values corresponding to segment boundaries. Must be strictly increasing. If not specified, a uniform grid is used (0, 1, 2, 3, ...). :type grid: optional """ self.segments = [_np.array(control_points, copy=True) for control_points in segments] if grid is None: grid = range(len(segments) + 1) self.grid = list(grid)
[docs] def evaluate(self, t, n=0): """Get value at the given parameter value(s).""" if n != 0: raise NotImplementedError('Derivatives are not implemented yet') if not _np.isscalar(t): return _np.array([self.evaluate(time, n) for time in t]) idx = _check_param('t', t, self.grid) t0, t1 = self.grid[idx:idx + 2] t = (t - t0) / (t1 - t0) control_points = self.segments[idx] degree = len(control_points) - 1 return sum( a * b for a, b in zip(control_points, self.basis(degree, t)))
def _check_param(name, param, grid): if param < grid[0]: raise ValueError(f'{name} too small: {param}') elif param < grid[-1]: idx = _bisect_right(grid, param) - 1 elif param == grid[-1]: idx = len(grid) - 2 else: raise ValueError(f'{name} too big: {param}') return idx def _comb(n, k): # NB: Python 3.8 has math.comb() return _factorial(n) // _factorial(k) // _factorial(n - k) def _check_vertices(vertices, *, closed): """For closed curves, append first vertex at the end.""" if len(vertices) < 2: raise ValueError('At least two vertices are required') if closed: vertices = _np.concatenate([vertices, vertices[:1]]) return vertices def _check_grid(grid, alpha, vertices): if grid is None: if alpha is None: # NB: This is the same as alpha=0, except the type is int return range(len(vertices)) vertices = _np.asarray(vertices) grid = [0] for x0, x1 in zip(vertices, vertices[1:]): delta = _np.linalg.norm(x1 - x0)**alpha if delta == 0: raise ValueError( 'Repeated vertices are not possible with alpha != 0') grid.append(grid[-1] + delta) else: if alpha is not None: raise TypeError('Only one of {grid, alpha} is allowed') if len(vertices) != len(grid): raise ValueError('Number of grid values must be same as ' 'vertices (one more for closed curves)') # TODO: check if grid values are increasing? return grid def _check_endconditions(endconditions, vertices, grid): if endconditions == 'closed': second_vertex = vertices[1:2] vertices = _np.concatenate([vertices, second_vertex]) first_interval = grid[1] - grid[0] grid = list(grid) + [grid[-1] + first_interval] start = end = None elif isinstance(endconditions, str): start = end = endconditions else: try: start, end = endconditions except (TypeError, ValueError): raise TypeError('endconditions must be a string or a pair') triples = [zip(arg, arg[1:], arg[2:]) for arg in (vertices, grid)] return (start, end, *triples) def _check_tangents(tangents, vertices, grid, start, end, *, closed): if closed: # Move last (outgoing) tangent to the beginning: tangents = tangents[-1:] + tangents[:-1] elif not tangents: # straight line assert len(vertices) == 2 assert len(grid) == 2 vertices = _np.asarray(vertices) tangents = [(vertices[1] - vertices[0]) / (grid[1] - grid[0])] * 2 else: tangents.insert(0, _end_tangent( start, vertices[:2], grid[:2], tangents[0])) tangents.append(_end_tangent( end, vertices[-2:], grid[-2:], tangents[-1])) return tangents def _end_tangent(condition, vertices, times, other_tangent): if condition == 'natural': tangent = _natural_tangent(vertices, times, other_tangent) elif _np.shape(condition) == _np.shape(vertices[0]): tangent = condition else: raise ValueError( f'{condition!r} is not a valid start/end condition') return tangent def _natural_tangent(vertices, times, tangent): """Calculate tangent for "natural" end condition. Given 2 points and one tangent, this returns the tangent for the other side that results from the second derivative being zero. See euclidan/end-conditions-natural.ipynb. """ x0, x1 = _np.asarray(vertices) t0, t1 = times delta = t1 - t0 return 3 * (x1 - x0) / (2 * delta) - tangent / 2
[docs]class CubicHermite(Monomial): """Cubic Hermite curve, see __init__().""" matrix = _np.array([ [2, -2, 1, 1], [-3, 3, -2, -1], [0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0]]) def __init__(self, vertices, tangents, grid=None): """Cubic Hermite curve. See :ref:`/euclidean/hermite.ipynb`. :param vertices: Sequence of vertices. :param tangents: Sequence of tangent vectors (two per segment, outgoing and incoming). :param grid: Sequence of parameter values. Must be strictly increasing. If not specified, a uniform grid is used (0, 1, 2, 3, ...). :type grid: optional """ if len(vertices) < 2: raise ValueError('At least 2 vertices are needed') if len(tangents) != 2 * (len(vertices) - 1): raise ValueError('Exactly 2 tangents per segment are needed') if grid is None: grid = range(len(vertices)) if len(vertices) != len(grid): raise ValueError('As many grid times as vertices are needed') tangents = _np.asarray(tangents) segments = [ self.matrix @ [x0, x1, (t1 - t0) * v0, (t1 - t0) * v1] for (x0, x1), (v0, v1), (t0, t1) in zip( zip(vertices, vertices[1:]), zip(tangents[::2], tangents[1::2]), zip(grid, grid[1:]))] Monomial.__init__(self, segments, grid)
[docs]class CatmullRom(CubicHermite): """Catmull--Rom spline, see __init__().""" # NB: Catmull-Rom could be implemented as special case of Kochanek-Bartels, # but here we chose not to. # NB: We could use the basis matrix for Catmull-Rom splines, but # this wouldn't work if only 3 vertices are given by the user. # Since we have to handle this special case anyway, we use the same # method for everything. Apart from reducing the amount of code, this # also allows us to define derived classes that overwrite # _calculate_tangent(). @staticmethod def _calculate_tangent(points, times): x_1, x0, x1 = _np.asarray(points) t_1, t0, t1 = times delta_1 = t0 - t_1 delta0 = t1 - t0 v_1 = (x0 - x_1) / delta_1 v0 = (x1 - x0) / delta0 return (delta0 * v_1 + delta_1 * v0) / (delta0 + delta_1) def __init__(self, vertices, grid=None, *, alpha=None, endconditions='natural'): """Catmull--Rom spline. This class implements one specific member of the family of splines described in :cite:`catmull1974splines`, which is commonly known as *Catmull--Rom spline*: The cubic spline that can be constructed by linear Lagrange interpolation (and extrapolation) followed by quadratic B-spline blending, or equivalently, quadratic Lagrange interpolation followed by linear B-spline blending. The implementation used in this class, however, does nothing of that sort. It simply calculates the appropriate tangent vectors at the control points and instantiates a `CubicHermite` spline. See :ref:`/euclidean/catmull-rom.ipynb`. :param vertices: Sequence of vertices. :param grid: Sequence of parameter values. Must be strictly increasing. If not specified, a uniform grid is used (0, 1, 2, 3, ...). :type grid: optional :param alpha: TODO :type alpha: optional :param endconditions: Start/end conditions. Can be ``'closed'``, ``'natural'`` or pair of tangent vectors (a.k.a. "clamped"). If ``'closed'``, the first vertex is re-used as last vertex and an additional *grid* time has to be specified. :type endconditions: optional """ closed = endconditions == 'closed' vertices = _check_vertices(vertices, closed=closed) grid = _check_grid(grid, alpha, vertices) start, end, zip_vertices, zip_grid = _check_endconditions( endconditions, vertices, grid) tangents = [ self._calculate_tangent(points, times) for points, times in zip(zip_vertices, zip_grid)] # Duplicate tangents (incoming and outgoing are the same): tangents = [x for tangent in tangents for x in (tangent, tangent)] tangents = _check_tangents( tangents, vertices, grid, start, end, closed=closed) CubicHermite.__init__(self, vertices, tangents, grid)
[docs]class KochanekBartels(CubicHermite): """Kochanek--Bartels spline, see __init__().""" @staticmethod def _calculate_tangents(points, times, tcb): x_1, x0, x1 = _np.asarray(points) t_1, t0, t1 = times T, C, B = tcb a = (1 - T) * (1 + C) * (1 + B) b = (1 - T) * (1 - C) * (1 - B) c = (1 - T) * (1 - C) * (1 + B) d = (1 - T) * (1 + C) * (1 - B) delta_1 = t0 - t_1 delta0 = t1 - t0 v_1 = (x0 - x_1) / delta_1 v0 = (x1 - x0) / delta0 incoming = (c * delta0 * v_1 + d * delta_1 * v0) / (delta_1 + delta0) outgoing = (a * delta0 * v_1 + b * delta_1 * v0) / (delta_1 + delta0) return incoming, outgoing def __init__(self, vertices, grid=None, *, tcb=(0, 0, 0), alpha=None, endconditions='natural'): """Kochanek--Bartels spline. See :ref:`/euclidean/kochanek-bartels.ipynb`. :param vertices: Sequence of vertices. :param grid: Sequence of parameter values. Must be strictly increasing. If not specified, a uniform grid is used (0, 1, 2, 3, ...). :type grid: optional :param tcb: Sequence of *tension*, *continuity* and *bias* triples. TCB values can only be given for the interior vertices. :type tcb: optional :param alpha: TODO :type alpha: optional :param endconditions: Start/end conditions. Can be ``'closed'``, ``'natural'`` or pair of tangent vectors (a.k.a. "clamped"). If ``'closed'``, the first vertex is re-used as last vertex and an additional *grid* time has to be specified. :type endconditions: optional """ closed = endconditions == 'closed' if closed: tcb_slots = len(vertices) else: tcb_slots = len(vertices) - 2 vertices = _check_vertices(vertices, closed=closed) grid = _check_grid(grid, alpha, vertices) tcb = _np.asarray(tcb) if tcb.ndim == 1 and len(tcb) == 3: tcb = _np.tile(tcb, (tcb_slots, 1)) elif len(tcb) != tcb_slots: raise ValueError('There must be two more vertices than TCB values ' '(except for closed curves)') if closed: # Move first TCB value to the end: tcb = _np.roll(tcb, -1, axis=0) start, end, zip_vertices, zip_grid = _check_endconditions( endconditions, vertices, grid) tangents = [ tangent for points, times, tcb in zip(zip_vertices, zip_grid, tcb) for tangent in self._calculate_tangents(points, times, tcb)] tangents = _check_tangents( tangents, vertices, grid, start, end, closed=closed) CubicHermite.__init__(self, vertices, tangents, grid)
[docs]class Natural(CubicHermite): """Natural spline, see __init__().""" def __init__(self, vertices, grid=None, *, alpha=None, endconditions='natural'): """Natural spline. See :ref:`/euclidean/natural.ipynb`. :param vertices: Sequence of vertices. :param grid: Sequence of parameter values. Must be strictly increasing. If not specified, a uniform grid is used (0, 1, 2, 3, ...). :type grid: optional :param alpha: TODO :type alpha: optional :param endconditions: Start/end conditions. Can be ``'closed'``, ``'natural'`` or pair of tangent vectors (a.k.a. "clamped"). If ``'closed'``, the first vertex is re-used as last vertex and an additional *grid* time has to be specified. :type endconditions: optional """ N = len(vertices) A = _np.zeros((N, N)) b = _np.zeros_like(vertices) closed = endconditions == 'closed' vertices = _check_vertices(vertices, closed=closed) vertices = _np.asarray(vertices) grid = _check_grid(grid, alpha, vertices) delta = _np.diff(grid) for i in range(0, N) if closed else range(1, N - 1): A[i, i - 1] = 1 / delta[i - 1] A[i, i] = (2 / delta[i - 1] + 2 / delta[i]) A[i, (i + 1) % N] = 1 / delta[i] b[i] = 3 * ( (vertices[i] - vertices[(i - 1) % N]) / delta[i - 1]**2 + (vertices[i + 1] - vertices[i]) / delta[i]**2) if closed: # Nothing to do here, the first and last row have already # been populated in the for-loop above. pass else: if isinstance(endconditions, str): start = end = endconditions else: try: start, end = endconditions except (TypeError, ValueError): raise TypeError('endconditions must be a string or a pair') if start == 'natural': A[0, 0:2] = 2 * delta[0], delta[1] b[0] = 3 * (vertices[1] - vertices[0]) elif _np.shape(start) == _np.shape(vertices[0]): A[0, 0] = 1 b[0] = start else: raise ValueError(f'{start!r} is not a valid start condition') if end == 'natural': A[N - 1, N - 2:] = delta[N - 2], 2 * delta[N - 2] b[-1] = 3 * (vertices[N - 1] - vertices[N - 2]) elif _np.shape(end) == _np.shape(vertices[0]): A[N - 1, N - 1] = 1 b[N - 1] = end else: raise ValueError(f'{end!r} is not a valid end condition') tangents = _np.linalg.solve(A, b) if closed: tangents = _np.concatenate([tangents, tangents[:1]]) # Duplicate inner tangents (incoming and outgoing are the same): tangents = _np.concatenate( [tangents[i:i + 2] for i in range(len(tangents) - 1)]) CubicHermite.__init__(self, vertices, tangents, grid)
def _monotone_end_condition(inner_slope, secant_slope): """ Return the "outer" (i.e. first or last) slope given the "inner" (i.e. second or penultimate) slope and the secant slope of the first or last segment. """ # NB: This is a very ad-hoc algorithm meant to minimize the change in slope # within the first/last curve segment. Especially, this should avoid a # change from negative to positive acceleration (and vice versa). # There might be a better method available!?! if secant_slope < 0: return -_monotone_end_condition(-inner_slope, -secant_slope) assert 0 <= inner_slope <= 3 * secant_slope if inner_slope <= secant_slope: return 3 * secant_slope - 2 * inner_slope else: return (3 * secant_slope - inner_slope) / 2
[docs]class PiecewiseMonotoneCubic(CatmullRom): """Piecewise monotone cubic curve, see __init__().""" def __init__(self, values, grid=None, slopes=None, *, alpha=None, closed=False): """Piecewise monotone cubic curve. See :ref:`/euclidean/piecewise-monotone.ipynb`. This only works for one-dimensional values. For undefined slopes, ``_calculate_tangent()`` is called on the base class. :param values: Sequence of values to be interpolated. :param grid: Sequence of parameter values. Must be strictly increasing. If not specified, a uniform grid is used (0, 1, 2, 3, ...). :type grid: optional :param slopes: Sequence of slopes or ``None`` if slope should be computed from neighboring values. An error is raised if a segment would become non-monotone with a given slope. :type slopes: optional """ if len(values) < 2: raise ValueError('At least two values are required') if closed: values = _np.concatenate([values, values[:1]]) grid = _check_grid(grid, alpha, values) if slopes is None: slopes = (None,) * len(values) elif closed: slopes = *slopes, slopes[0] if len(values) != len(slopes): raise ValueError('Same number of values and slopes is required') # TODO: check strictly increasing times? if closed: second_value = values[1:2] values = _np.concatenate([values, second_value]) first_interval = grid[1] - grid[0] grid = list(grid) + [grid[-1] + first_interval] def fix_slope(slope, left, right): """Manipulate the slope to preserve monotonicity. See Dougherty et al. (1989), eq. (4.2) """ if left * right <= 0: return 0 elif right > 0: return min(max(0, slope), 3 * min(abs(left), abs(right))) else: return max(min(0, slope), -3 * min(abs(left), abs(right))) final_slopes = [] for xs, ts, slope in zip(zip(values, values[1:], values[2:]), zip(grid, grid[1:], grid[2:]), slopes[1:]): x_1, x0, x1 = xs t_1, t0, t1 = ts left = (x0 - x_1) / (t0 - t_1) right = (x1 - x0) / (t1 - t0) if slope is None: # NB: This has to be defined on the parent class: slope = self._calculate_tangent(xs, ts) slope = fix_slope(slope, left, right) else: if slope != fix_slope(slope, left, right): raise ValueError(f'Slope too steep: {slope}') final_slopes.append(slope) # incoming final_slopes.append(slope) # outgoing if closed: # Move last outgoing slope to front: final_slopes = final_slopes[-1:] + final_slopes[:-1] values = values[:-1] grid = grid[:-1] elif not final_slopes: secant_slope = (values[1] - values[0]) / (grid[1] - grid[0]) one, two = slopes def check_slope(slope): if slope != fix_slope(slope, secant_slope, secant_slope): raise ValueError(f'Slope too steep or wrong sign: {slope}') if one is None: if two is None: final_slopes = [secant_slope] * 2 else: check_slope(two) final_slopes = [ _monotone_end_condition(two, secant_slope), two] else: if two is None: check_slope(one) final_slopes = [ one, _monotone_end_condition(one, secant_slope)] else: check_slope(one) check_slope(two) final_slopes = [one, two] else: def end_slope(outer, inner, secant_slope): if outer is None: outer = _monotone_end_condition(inner, secant_slope) else: if outer != fix_slope(outer, secant_slope, secant_slope): raise ValueError( f'Slope too steep or wrong sign: {outer}') return outer final_slopes.insert( 0, end_slope(slopes[0], final_slopes[0], (values[1] - values[0]) / (grid[1] - grid[0]))) final_slopes.append( end_slope(slopes[-1], final_slopes[-1], (values[-1] - values[-2]) / (grid[-1] - grid[-2]))) CubicHermite.__init__(self, values, final_slopes, grid)
[docs]class MonotoneCubic(PiecewiseMonotoneCubic): """Monotone cubic curve, see __init__().""" def __init__(self, values, *args, **kwargs): """Monotone cubic curve. This takes the same arguments as `PiecewiseMonotoneCubic` (except ``closed``), but it raises an error if the given values are not montone. See :ref:`/euclidean/piecewise-monotone.ipynb#Monotone-Interpolation`. """ if 'closed' in kwargs: raise TypeError('The "closed" argument is not allowed') PiecewiseMonotoneCubic.__init__(self, values, *args, **kwargs) diffs = _np.diff(values) if not (all(diffs >= 0) or all(diffs <= 0)): raise ValueError('Only monotone values are allowed') # TODO: rename to something with "solve"?
[docs] def get_time(self, value): """Get the time instance for the given value. If the solution is not unique (i.e. there is a plateau), ``None`` is returned. """ if not _np.isscalar(value): return _np.array([self.get_time(v) for v in value]) values = self.evaluate(self.grid) if values[0] <= value <= values[-1]: # Increasing values def get_index(values, value): return _bisect_right(values, value) - 1 elif values[-1] <= value <= values[0]: # Decreasing values def get_index(values, value): return len(values) - _bisect_left(values[::-1], value) - 1 else: raise ValueError(f'value outside allowed range: {value}') # First, check for exact matches to find plateaus matches, = _np.nonzero(values == value) if len(matches) > 1: return None if len(matches) == 1: return self.grid[matches[0]] idx = get_index(values, value) coeffs = self.segments[idx] # Solve for p - value = 0 roots = (_np.poly1d(coeffs) - value).roots # Segment is only defined for t in [0, 1] roots = roots[_np.isreal(roots) & (roots >= 0) & (roots <= 1)] assert len(roots) == 1 and _np.isreal(roots) time, = roots.real t0, t1 = self.grid[idx:idx + 2] return time * (t1 - t0) + t0
[docs]class ConstantSpeedAdapter: """Re-parameterize a spline to have constant speed, see __init__().""" def __init__(self, curve): """Re-parameterize a spline to have constant speed. For splines in Euclidean space this amounts to arc-length parameterization. However, this class is implemented in a way that also allows using rotation splines which will be re-parameterized to have constant angular speed. The parameter *s* represents the cumulative arc-length or the cumulative rotation angle, respectively. """ self.curve = curve lengths = ( self._integrated_speed(i, t0, t1) for i, (t0, t1) in enumerate(zip(curve.grid, curve.grid[1:]))) # NB: "initial" argument to itertools.accumulate since Python 3.8 #self.grid = list(_accumulate(lengths, initial=0)) self.grid = [0] + list(_accumulate(lengths)) def _integrated_speed(self, idx, t0, t1): """Integral over the speed on a curve segment. *t0* and *t1* must be within the given segment. """ if not 0 <= idx < len(self.curve.grid) - 1: raise ValueError(f'invalid idx: {idx}') if not self.curve.grid[idx] <= t0 <= t1 <= self.curve.grid[idx + 1]: raise ValueError('Invalid t0 or t1') def speed(t): return _np.linalg.norm(self.curve.evaluate(t, 1), axis=-1) from scipy import integrate value, abserr = integrate.quad(speed, t0, t1) return value def _s2t(self, s): """Convert integrated speed to time value.""" idx = _check_param('s', s, self.grid) s -= self.grid[idx] t0 = self.curve.grid[idx] t1 = self.curve.grid[idx + 1] def length(t): return self._integrated_speed(idx, t0, t) - s from scipy.optimize import bisect return bisect(length, t0, t1)
[docs] def evaluate(self, s): if not _np.isscalar(s): return _np.array([self.evaluate(s) for s in s]) return self.curve.evaluate(self._s2t(s))
[docs]class NewGridAdapter: """Re-parameterize a spline with new grid values, see __init__().""" def __init__(self, curve, new_grid=1): """Re-parameterize a spline with new grid values. :param curve: A spline. :param new_grid: If a single number is given, the new parameter will range from 0 to that number. Otherwise, a sequence of numbers has to be given, one for each grid value. Instead of a value, ``None`` can be specified to choose a value automatically. The first and last value cannot be ``None``. :type new_grid: optional """ if _np.isscalar(new_grid): new_grid = [0] + [None] * (len(curve.grid) - 2) + [new_grid] if len(new_grid) != len(curve.grid): raise ValueError('new_grid must have same length as curve.grid') if new_grid[0] is None or new_grid[-1] is None: raise TypeError('first/last element of new_grid cannot be None') old_values, new_values = [], [] for old, new in zip(curve.grid, new_grid): # TODO: allow NaN? if new is None: continue new_values.append(new) old_values.append(old) self._new2old = MonotoneCubic1D(old_values, grid=new_values) self.grid = [] for old, new in zip(curve.grid, new_grid): if new is None: new = self._new2old.get_time(old) self.grid.append(new) self.curve = curve
[docs] def evaluate(self, u): if not _np.isscalar(u): return _np.array([self.evaluate(u) for u in u]) idx = _check_param('u', u, self.grid) return self.curve.evaluate(self._new2old.evaluate(u))