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Cumulative Form§

The basic idea, as proposed by [KKS95] (section 4) is the following:

Instead of representing a curve as a sum of basis functions weighted by its control point’s position vectors \(p_i\) (as it’s for example done with Bézier splines), they suggest to use the relative difference vectors \(\Delta p_i\) between successive control points.

These relative difference vectors can then be “translated” to local rotations (replacing additions with multiplications), leading to a form of rotation splines.

Piecewise Slerp§

As an example, they define a piecewise linear curve

\begin{equation*} p(t) = p_0 + \sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i(t) \Delta p_i, \end{equation*}


\begin{align*} \Delta p_i &= p_i - p_{i - 1}\\ \alpha_i(t) &= \begin{cases} 0 & t < i - 1\\ t - i + 1 & i - 1 \leq t < i\\ 1 & t \geq i. \end{cases} \end{align*}
def alpha(i, t):
    if t < i - 1:
        return 0
    elif t >= i:
        return 1
        return t - i + 1


There is an off-by-one error in the paper’s definition of \(\alpha_i(t)\):

\begin{equation*} \alpha_i(t) = \begin{cases} 0 & t < i\\ t - i & i \leq t < i + 1\\ 1 & t \geq i + 1. \end{cases} \end{equation*}

This assumes that \(i\) starts with \(0\), but it actually starts with \(1\).

This “cumulative form” can be “translated” to a rotation spline by replacing addition with multiplication and the relative difference vectors by relative (i.e. local) rotations (represented by unit quaternions):

\begin{equation*} q(t) = q_0 \prod_{i = 1}^n \exp(\omega_i \alpha_i(t)), \end{equation*}


\begin{equation*} \omega_i = \log\left(q_{i - 1}^{-1} q_i\right). \end{equation*}

The paper uses above notation, but this could equivalently be written as

\begin{equation*} q(t) = q_0 \prod_{i = 1}^n \left(q_{i - 1}^{-1} q_i\right)^{\alpha_i(t)}. \end{equation*}
import numpy as np

from helper import angles2quat, animate_rotations, display_animation
from splines.quaternion import UnitQuaternion
# NB: since Python 3.8
product = np.multiply.reduce
def piecewise_slerp(qs, t):
    return qs[0] * product([
        (qs[i - 1].inverse() * qs[i])**alpha(i, t)
        for i in range(1, len(qs))])
qs = [
    angles2quat(0, 0, 0),
    angles2quat(90, 0, 0),
    angles2quat(90, 90, 0),
    angles2quat(90, 90, 90),
times = np.linspace(0, len(qs) - 1, 100)
ani = animate_rotations([piecewise_slerp(qs, t) for t in times], figsize=(4, 3))
display_animation(ani, default_mode='reflect')

Cumulative Bézier/Bernstein Curve§

After the piecewise Slerp, [KKS95] show (in section 5.1) how to create a cumulative form inspired by Bézier splines, i.e. using Bernstein polynomials.

They start with the well-known equation for Bézier splines:

\begin{equation*} p(t) = \sum_{i=0}^n p_i \beta_{i,n}(t), \end{equation*}

where \(\beta_{i,n}(t)\) are Bernstein basis functions as shown in the notebook about Bézier splines.

They re-formulate this into a cumulative form:

\begin{equation*} p(t) = p_0 \tilde{\beta}_{0,n}(t) + \sum_{i=1}^n \Delta p_i \tilde{\beta}_{i,n}(t), \end{equation*}

where the cumulative Bernstein basis functions are given by

\begin{equation*} \tilde{\beta}_{i,n}(t) = \sum_{j=i}^n \beta_{j,n}(t). \end{equation*}

We can get the Bernstein basis polynomials via the function splines.Bernstein.basis():

from splines import Bernstein

… and create a simple helper function to sum them up:

from itertools import accumulate
def cumulative_bases(degree, t):
    return list(accumulate(Bernstein.basis(degree, t)[::-1]))[::-1]

Finally, they “translate” this into a rotation spline using quaternions, like before:

\begin{equation*} q(t) = q_0 \prod_{i=1}^n \exp\left(\omega_i \tilde{\beta}_{i,n}(t)\right), \end{equation*}


\begin{equation*} \omega_i = \log(q_{i-1}^{-1} q_i). \end{equation*}

Again, they use above notation in the paper, but this could equivalently be written as

\begin{equation*} q(t) = q_0 \prod_{i=1}^n \left(q_{i-1}^{-1} q_i\right)^{\tilde{\beta}_{i,n}(t)}. \end{equation*}
def cumulative_bezier(qs, t):
    degree = len(qs) - 1
    bases = cumulative_bases(degree, t)
    assert np.isclose(bases[0], 1)
    return qs[0] * product([
        (qs[i - 1].inverse() * qs[i])**bases[i]
        for i in range(1, len(qs))
times = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
rotations = [cumulative_bezier(qs, t) for t in times]
ani = animate_rotations(rotations, figsize=(4, 3))
display_animation(ani, default_mode='reflect')

Comparison with De Casteljau’s Algorithm§

This Bézier quaternion curve has a different shape from the Bézier quaternion curve of [Sho85].

[KKS95], section 5.1

The method described by [Sho85] is shown in a separate notebook. An implementation is available in the splines.quaternion.DeCasteljau class:

from splines.quaternion import DeCasteljau
times = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
control_polygon = [
    angles2quat(90, 0, 0),
    angles2quat(0, -45, 90),
    angles2quat(0, 0, 0),
    angles2quat(180, 0, 180),
cumulative_rotations = [
    cumulative_bezier(control_polygon, t)
    for t in times
cumulative_rotations_reversed = [
    cumulative_bezier(control_polygon[::-1], t)
    for t in times
casteljau_rotations = DeCasteljau([control_polygon]).evaluate(times)
ani = animate_rotations({
    'De Casteljau': casteljau_rotations,
    'Cumulative': cumulative_rotations,
    'Cumulative reversed': cumulative_rotations_reversed,
}, figsize=(9, 3))
display_animation(ani, default_mode='reflect')

Applying the same method on the reversed list of control points and then time-reversing the resulting sequence of rotations leads to an equal (except for rounding errors) sequence of rotations when using De Casteljau’s algorithm:

casteljau_rotations_reversed = DeCasteljau([control_polygon[::-1]]).evaluate(times)[::-1]
for one, two in zip(casteljau_rotations, casteljau_rotations_reversed):
    assert np.isclose(one.scalar, two.scalar)
    assert np.isclose(one.vector[0], two.vector[0])
    assert np.isclose(one.vector[1], two.vector[1])
    assert np.isclose(one.vector[2], two.vector[2])

However, doing the same thing with the “cumulative form” can lead to a significantly different sequence, as can be seen in the above animation.